Library and Additional Resources
The Hub for Action and Research in Psychology (HARP) features its very own library. The library is expanding and can help with research, life, and career development. You are encouraged to come, check out the books, and read!
We also have various materials to boost your learning as a student and your teaching as an instructor. We have intriguing Psychology games such as reflect, mirror maze, brain paint, brain freeze, mindfulness therapy games, better me, Chinese finger traps, and Psychology (Psychology Board Game). We also have 3D brain models that can help you understand more about this mysterious organ.
Click on HARP Inventory for an inventory of the HARP’s current books and materials.
Research Approval Documents
- Process for CAPMAS Approval
- HIPAA Ethics Training Guide for AUC Psychology Students
- CITI Ethics Program – Research Ethics and Compliance Training Guide for AUC Psychology Students
Research Equipment and Software Guides
Student Resources
Other Resources
- APA 6 and 7 Style Changes (Walden University)