Psychological Counseling Services and Training Center
The Psychological Counseling Services and Training Center provides therapy and assessment services and multidisciplinary training for thriving behavioral health clinicians beginning with Interns in the MA Counseling program and those in the greater Cairo region. We actively engage in community wellness efforts.

AUC Center for the Arts
AUC Center for the Arts produces creative work including film festivals, theatrical productions, music concerts, and visual art and design exhibitions. The Center for the Arts also showcases publications and provides outreach projects that draw attention to artistic work being made on the AUC campuses and in Cairo by the Department of the Arts faculty, staff, and students. The Center showcases both academic and professional creative work.

Theban Mapping Project
Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones.

Middle East Institute of Higher Education (MEIHE)
Through the Middle East Institute of Higher Education (MEIHE), The Department of Applied Linguistics and Educational Studies plays a role in educational policy and reform in the region. By connecting universities to schools, European universities to Arab universities, academics to practitioners, and policymakers to students, the MEIHE demonstrates a progressive and evidence-based approach to policy planning and capacity building. The institute utilizes cutting edge research to incubate educational reform.

Cynthia Nelson Institute for Gender and Women's Studies
IGWS is a multipurpose and interdisciplinary research center that serves scholars and researchers interested in gender and women's studies in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.