Message from the Chair
It is my pleasure to welcome you - on behalf of our faculty - to the Department of Arts, School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSS) at The American University in Cairo (AUC).
The Department of the Arts has evolved into the largest department in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, with over 85 full-time faculty and adjunct faculty. The main missions of the department occur in a multicultural diversity setting. These missions are supported by exceptional faculty and staff in the department.
The result is a department that reaches far beyond the walls of our HUSS school to improve humanity and culture throughout our community and the world, providing high-quality education and training for the next generation of leaders in arts.
Our department is one of the leading educational programs in the region, and it suits diverse interests. Students get the chance to research and get unique experiences in different majors.
With a well-developed mindset, the center for the arts is a place where students are entitled to learn about real practical environments and gain the hands-on experience that they will heavily use post-graduation.
Theoretical, professional courses and studios not only help students gain knowledge but also encourage them to analyze, use their critical thinking and enhance the skill of problem-solving.
Our department is evolving rapidly with new fresh mindsets to constantly raise the bar.
I invite you to explore all of the many aspects of our Department of the Arts through the website and visit or contact us for more information.
Wael ElMahallawy
Associate Professor of Music and Chair
Department of the Arts